The IFEX fire protection motorbikes were developed as special solution for rapid initial attack in urban areas where normal fire engines have difficulties with traffic obstructions. Today they are used for multiple purposes where flexibility and mobility of the fire extinguishing vehicle is required, to fight fire in its beginning stages.

A 13-liter IFEX Backpack" with the 1-Liter Water Gun are mounted on the motorcycle using special brackets. While driving, the entire bracket-mounted solution can be folded away to improve motorcycle's road performance.

water / agent capacity 13 liters
compressed air capacity 2 liters / 300 bar
operating pressure 6 / 25 bar
pressure regulator 300 / 25 / 6 bar
impulse shot volume 0.25 - 1.0 Liters
impulse shot speed 120 m/sec
effective fire fighting distance 1-10 m
impulse shot spray width 3 m
droplet size from 2 to 200 micron

